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Archive for September 2009

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Written by 911Truth

September 21, 2009 at 7:23 am

Davis 9/11 Truth member responding to recent 9/11 Van Jones article by Arianna Huffington on http://Huffpost.com

with one comment

Ms. Huffington,

I have had great respect for you during your career and enjoyed your book "Fanatics & Fools." I am not much of a blogger, and your guidelines might not allow this anyway, so I thought I would try to send this to you directly.

I am very disturbed by your statement:

"I despise 9/11 ‘truther’ conspiracies. Indeed, one of the guidelines for bloggers on HuffPost is a ban on posts putting forth those kinds of theories. And it was stupid of Van to put his name on a very stupid ‘9/11 Truth Statement.’ I’ve spoken to Van. He doesn’t believe that the Bush administration orchestrated the 9/11 attacks or allowed the attacks to happen in a cold-hearted attempt to gin up support. The 9/11 ‘Truthers’ are fringe-dwellers and Van was completely wrong to allow himself to be associated with them."


Many renowned professionals have expressed serious concerns about 9/11. Indeed, 9/11 Commission members have said they were set up to fail, were refused critical information, etc. Also, "no less than 60 per cent of the 9/11 commissioners have now publicly stated that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11 and that the Pentagon was engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack" (see the reference below). The Bush-Cheney conspiracy theory is full of gaping holes, but instead of relating to you many of the reasons to be very suspicious of the official conspiracy theory, let me simply quote Professor Lynn Margulis. She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a recipient of the National Medal of Science, America’s highest honor for scientific achievement. She said the following:

"The 9/11 tragedy is the most successful and most perverse publicity stunt in the history of public relations. I arrive at this conclusion largely as the result of the research and clear writing by David Ray Griffin in his fabulous books about 9/11… It is clear to me that David Ray Griffin and his fellow critics are correct: the 9/11 ‘new Pearl Harbor’ was planned in astonishing detail and carried out through the efforts of a sophisticated and large network of operatives. It was more complex and far more successful than the Allende assassination, the US bombing of our own ship the ‘Maine’ that began the Spanish-American war (and brought us Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines), the Reichstag fire that was used to justify the suspension of most civil liberties in Germany in the 1930’s, and even Operation Himmler, which was used by Germany to justify the invasion of Poland, which started World War II.

Whoever is responsible for bringing to grizzly fruition this new false-flag operation, which has been used to justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as unprecedented assaults on research, education, and civil liberties, must be perversely proud of their efficient handiwork… I suggest that those of us aware and concerned demand that the glaringly erroneous official account of 9/11 be dismissed as a fraud and a new, thorough, and impartial investigation be undertaken."


How can you possibly call Professor Margulis a fringe-dweller? Note that she considers the official account of 9/11 to be a fraud. It is baffling me why so many otherwise respected journalists have accepted this fraud so uncritically.

If you are at all open on this issue, and it seems that many people aren’t, perhaps you might take a look at this page that just came to my attention, which outlines in a very interesting way some of the major concerns a lot of very thoughtful professionals and government officials have with the official story, which is very much a conspiracy theory itself. The following account is fictitious, but a number of excellent points are made in an interesting way:


I am a professor of mathematics at a major university, and I can tell you that the scientific case against the three buildings having been brought down by planes and/or fire is very strong. Actually, are you aware that no plane hit Building 7? Disturbing scientific evidence is but one of many reasons that a new, thorough, and impartial investigation is so urgently needed. And, the issue remains extremely important precisely because it was used to justify war and the assaults about which Professor Margulis speaks, which continue to this day and could get worse.

Many people just cannot bring themselves to entertain the idea that the official story about 9/11 might have significant problems and there could have been some sort of inside involvement. They resolve this cognitive dissonance by just turning off to any information about the issues and attacking people who raise questions as "conspiracy theorists," a term that generally has very negative connotations. This is easy for me to understand in many people, but I do not understand it in somebody who has been as thoughtful as you have on so many important issues. Please inform yourself, then please consider revising your comments accordingly, and please help bring the media out of its stupor on this issue. Thank you.

Jack Milton

Written by 911Truth

September 10, 2009 at 4:59 pm

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